“ I am encouraged to express myself freely and creatively and infinite means and opportunities to do so. I am given time, my learning is not rushed”
The WonderWorks is a special place where children learn at their own pace, and they are not rushed, the joy, and journey of lifelong learning is treasured.
All children have the freedom to experiment, explore, learn from mistakes, and take their interests and learning in any direction they choose.
At the WonderWorks we personalise and adapt the curriculum (what children will learn) to meet the children’s individual needs and interests. This is known as having an ‘emergent curriculum’. By working this way we believe the children’s learning experience will be richer, stronger and provide firm foundations from which all future learning will be built.
Following children’s interests means watching and listening to children carefully, spotting what they enjoy doing and what they want to find out more about. We then explore and research this interest alongside children which provokes high levels of involvement and motivation.
Like all Ofsted Registered Settings we follow the EYFS - The Early Years Foundation Stage. Children learn through their play and exploration of the world around them. We support children to develop skills and knowledge across the 7 areas of learning.
The areas of learning are:
communication and language
physical development
personal, social and emotional development
understanding the world
expressive arts and design
Unlike other nurseries we also have our very own curriculum which runs alongside the EYFS.
Every element of our curriculum has been thoughtfully crafted to reflect the uniqueness of our approach, our community and our families.
Our unique curriculum is called LIGHTS, CAMERA, LIFE and offers a broad picture of what children can do and learn whilst they are with us. It outlines our pledge to provide incredible opportunities for life long learning. Click on the link below to take a look at what we provide for all children at The WonderWorks.
Each room has it’s own age specific curriculum. Please ask if you would like to know more.